Stretching is one of the best things we can do for our health and general wellness. It's something we can do at any age, for any period of time, and at any intensity level that we like and feel comfortable with.
Benefits of Stretching
Range of Motion
Increased Blood Flow
Pain Relief
Stress Relief
Stretching Routine
If you've been struggling to feel motivated in terms of fitness or movement in general, stretching can be a great place to start. Your stretching routine does not have to be 30 minutes long. You don't have to do a ton of different stretches. Make it doable, for you, your time, and your schedule. You want to stick to it, so don't make it overly complex or time-consuming to the point where it will feel like a chore.
Go slow at first. You'll want to feel out the stretches to figure out what feels easy, too hard, or just right.
Start with 10-20 minutes. This is a good range to get in a good stretch, but if you want to take your time with it, feel free.
Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and avoid bouncing.
Find the right stretches for you. Take a moment to look up stretches for "lower back" or "hamstrings"--whatever areas you know are more tight or prone to feeling sore than others. Once you've got a list of about 10 stretches, there's your routine.
Please keep in mind that if you currently have a present or persistent injury, stretching has the capability to make it worse, depending on the type and severity. Be sure to listen to your body and don't overdo it.