We've all tried committing to working out before. More often than not, we're great at it for a week or two, and then good ol' life gets in the way. Each time this happens, it's harder and harder to get back to some kind of workout routine. So let's talk about some ways to help you get back on track and stay consistent!
Do This, Not That
How often do you want to work out?
Do this: Think about your typical weekly schedule. Are there certain days where you have more time than others? Focus on those days rather than the busy one's so you don't get overwhelmed with squeezing all your priorities in.
Not that: Tell yourself that you're going to have intense workouts every single day. If you're trying to create a consistent routine, you should try working your way up to it before jumping in feet-first. Think about realistic and achievable workout goals that fit your lifestyle. Once you find some success there, then increase the number of days or the length of the workout.
How much water are you drinking?
Do this: Drink water throughout the day. When you stay hydrated all of the time, you'll be more successful during your workout. Drinking water keeps your whole body functioning properly. If you're someone who finds they don't have the energy to work out, this is the tip to try!
Not that: Only drink water during and after working out. As I mentioned, staying hydrated is important for daily function, even without working out. But drinking plenty of water will keep you energized come workout time and also helps with muscle recovery. This means that you'll feel less sore after a solid workout.
How much sleep are you getting?
Do this: Prioritize your sleep. This is another thing that's important for day-to-day function, but even more important if you want to keep up with your workout goals. Sleep gives you energy, the ability to focus on the task at hand, and helps with bodily repairs. The more you prioritize the amount of sleep and the quality of sleep that you get, the better your workouts will be, and you'll feel more prepared to face them head-on!
Not that: Sleep only when you're past the point of exhaustion. I totally get that everyone's day is packed and you may not have complete freedom to revamp your sleep schedule. But I can promise you, as someone who used to barely sleep, prioritizing your sleep is key. Even if you get adequate sleep, you'll have more energy, allowing you to get more done during the day. This creates the cycle of consistent sleep. Your mind and body are replenished and repaired during sleep, so you'll be able to have a stronger, more complete workout as well!
There's a lot more that goes into finding a system that works for you, but this is a perfect place to start setting up a solid foundation moving forward.